On a vast, picturesque sheep and beef farm between Woodville and Paihiatua, outdoor-loving teenager Camden, had plans to go camping with his mate on his parents’ farm.
With all the essentials packed on the quad bike, and on their way to the farm’s campsite not too far from home, the teenagers were carefully negotiating a steeper part of the paddock on the hilly terrain of the farm.
The boys, not wanting to take any risks on the quad bike while negotiating the steeper terrain, decided Camden would navigate the bike down the hill while his friend walked down.
“Camden is not exactly sure what happened next that evening, but the quad bike throttle either jammed or it suddenly and unexpectedly jumped a gear and the bike rolled over and went down the bank taking Camden with it” explains mum, Raewyn.
Camden was knocked unconscious.
Thankfully his good mate acted quickly, ringing his dad for help, calling emergency services and making sure Camden’s airway was clear.
Due to the boys' location at the bottom of a steep hill, getting help wasn’t easy. The Palmerston North Rescue Helicopter was dispatched and on its way, while emergency services got to the house and were then driven over the paddocks by 4WD.
The rescue helicopter crew landed as close as they could, finding a flat section on top of the hill nearest the boys, while emergency services carried Camden up and out of the steep terrain.
The rescue helicopter crew ensured Camden was stable and comfortable before taking off, and with just a short 10-minute flight to Palmerston North Hospital with his mum on board, Camden was quickly receiving the care he needed.
Camden was diagnosed with a broken wrist and severe concussion. Nine months on, and thankfully Camden is now fully recovered, having just recently been discharged from ABI Rehabilitation for his brain injury.
“He is back doing all the things he loves doing as an active teenager,” says Raewyn. “The only thing he won't do now is ride in that paddock, preferring to walk it instead!” she says
“Without the critical service that the rescue helicopter provides in this region, Camden’s recovery and outcome could’ve been quite different. The generosity of both sponsors and donors in ensuring this vital service is available to our rural community is invaluable,” says Raewyn, a very thankful mum!