While Stephen and his wife were biking the Ohakune Old Coach Road Bike Train Stephen suddenly hit a patch of mud and tumbled from his bike, breaking his left hip.
“It was due to the fact that it was almost two hours by road to Whanganui Hospital, combined with the amount of pain I was suffering, that medics called the Palmerston North Rescue Helicopter to airlift me out,” said Stephen.
An ambulance transported Stephen to the Ohakune rugby field, where the rescue helicopter was able to land. He was quickly loaded in and flown to Whanganui Hospital for a full hip replacement, and several weeks of recuperation.
“I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the help and assistance given by your rescue helicopter’s fantastic service, and particularly your amazing crew that evening,” said Stephen. “I made a marvellous recovery and look forward to cycling again this year.”