Do you have a story to share?
Click here to share your story

Patients and donors are at the heart of everything we do.  Your stories are a powerful testament to human strength, courage, vulnerability, and hope.

Your stories inspire others and bring awareness to the lifesaving work undertaken by the highly skilled personnel onboard the Waikato Westpac Rescue Helicopter, who are saving lives every day.

If you have experienced our service or held a fundraising event or activity for your rescue helicopter, you have a story to tell, and we’d love for you to share it with us. Click here to share your story.

“It’s hard to put into words the gratitude I feel,” says Chris.
10 years ago, Chris was out enjoying a round of golf with friends. Having two young kids, and a beloved wife, his future was looking bright. . .
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Extraordinary 77-year-old Keith on a remarkable journey
Meet an extraordinary 77-year-old with a heart of gold and legs of steel on a remarkable journey dedicated to raising crucial funds for the Waikato Westpac Rescue Helicopter: Keith Hobson.
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Skye is still alive today, thanks to you
Skye, her partner and their 6-year-old son Björn live on a remote farm. On every side, there are breathtaking views, rolling terrain, and dense forests.
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Giving back to the rescue helicopter service who helped save her life.
Aspects of this story include references to self-harm. Please use discretion when reading.
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Thank you for getting Geoffrey help in the nick of time
It is because of generous, kind-hearted people like you that Geoffrey is alive and well today. We couldn’t be more grateful for your life-saving support.
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Thank you for helping Lacey get the life-saving, time-critical flight she needed
A routine visit with the midwife saved the life of 16-day old Lacey Downes. . .
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Lorrin 8
Making a Difference
Together we can make a difference...
Screenshot 2023 11 27 161131 min
Your support fuels our flights
philips search rescue   summer appeal Original Moment 2
Help Us Continue Making Memorable Moments
philips search rescue   hamish Original Moment 2
Hamish's Story
everyday people video still
Everyday People, Extraordinary Outcomes
your rescue crew explain helmets video
Your Rescue Crew Explain - Helmets
your rescue crew explains ultrasound device
Your Rescue Crew Explain - Ultrasound Device
Impactful Image v2
Ciara's Story
rescue helicopter crews training
Rescue Helicopter Crews Training
sleep pods waikato rescue helicopter video
Sleep Pods - Thank You from the Waikato Westpac Rescue Helicopter
Wherever play accidents video
Wherever you play, accidents can happen
thank you westpac video
Thank you Westpac