To this day, Bruce has no idea how he would’ve escaped that rugged terrain, if it wasn’t for generous people like you.
Thank you for supporting your Greenlea Rescue Helicopter, and for making Bruce’s rescue possible.
Not too long ago, Bruce was on a 3-day hunting trip with three mates. They’d managed to get six hours into rugged terrain on the first day.
The trouble came when they were nearly at the campsite. They accidentally missed a turn and went down the wrong ridge.
Bruce found himself walking along the edge of a steep gully on what looked like an old animal track, carrying a 30kg backpack.
The next thing the ground suddenly gave way underneath him...
Bruce fell, his legs and lower limbs twisting one way, and his upper body twisting the other way.
As he slowly picked himself up off the ground, he had pain like he'd never known before shoot through his body.
His ankle, knee, hips and lower back had all twisted. He was in such agony, that he had trouble controlling his legs and walking.
Somehow, Bruce managed to get to their campsite. But he only had Panadol on hand, and Bruce continued to suffer in pain.
He told us,
"I only got to sleep finally out of sheer exhaustion. I was a wreck by then, as I'd been awake most of the night in pain."
When morning came, Bruce tried to get up and walk, but was still in extreme pain. There was no way he was capable of walking out of the remote rugged territory on his own.
It was the moment where your support made a world of difference.
You see, the group decided to use their Personal Locator Beacon (PLB), and thanks to generous people like you, your Greenlea Rescue Helicopter was immediately dispatched to the scene to investigate.
It wasn't an easy rescue, as there was nowhere for the rescue helicopter to land. But thankfully generous supporters like you ensured your rescue helicopter crew were well prepared.
Your rescue crew used the helicopter’s winch to get Critical Care Flight Paramedic (CCFP) Mike down to the ground, while the helicopter flew overhead. CCFP Mike then assessed Bruce's injuries and stabilised him, before they were both winched up above the trees to the rescue helicopter and flew straight to Taupo Hospital.
Bruce still has a long road to recovery ahead of him, thankful that he had his PLB with him and the rescue helicopter spare him from further injury and pain.
A big and very grateful ‘thank you’ to people like you who support the Greenlea Rescue Helicopter.