With a passion for motor sport cars spanning 40 years, Dave had only had one serious accident. “There were no rescue helicopters flying in at a moment’s notice in those days, only ambulances,” he noted.
This time, when he took a corner at speed on Old Coach Road, Pukehina during a car race and slammed into a pole at 130kms, he had the benefit of the helicopter’s 24/7 rescue service.
“When the car hit the pole, it fell into a cryptomeria shelterbelt, which subsequently caught fire,” he said. With his legs crushed, Marshalls managed to tow the car away from the fire and pull him clear of the vehicle. While the fire was doused, first aiders tended to Dave’s injuries and called for urgent help.
“I was conscious the whole time,” said Dave, “but it was when the BayTrust Rescue Helicopter arrived and the paramedic took over that things really started to happen.”
It was a slow three-month-long recovery for Dave who spent 18 days in Rotorua Hospital with a plethora of injuries; broken tibia, and fibia; dislocated right ankle; broken left ankle and wrist and shoulder burns.“ My wife and I have now joined the whole family up to the Friends programme. We really appreciate the service and we intend to keep that membership going!”