Skye, her partner and their 6-year-old son Björn live on a remote farm. On every side, there are breathtaking views, rolling terrain, and dense forests.
But one morning, this idyllic peaceful setting was horribly interrupted.
Skye had just gone to her bedroom when she collapsed to the ground, and began shaking violently.
She told us,
“I went into a tonic-clonic seizure state, and wouldn’t come out. By the time the ambulance arrived, my right lung had collapsed, and I had been seizing for 30 minutes.”
The paramedics knew they had to slow down or stop Skye’s seizing, but her muscles had tightened up into fierce knots. After multiple different attempts, they ended up having to drill into her knee bone marrow in order insert an I.V.
However, despite their best attempts, Skye was still in critical danger.
She needed to get to hospital as quickly as possible, but it would take more than an hours’ drive to get Skye to hospital by road.
Every delay would put her in greater danger.
Your rescue helicopter crew were called to help. And thanks to our generous supporters, they were able to arrive at Skye’s side within minutes.
“When the rescue helicopter crew arrived, I was still not in a stable condition, so they asked my partner for permission to put me in an induced coma. He told me he’d never felt so relieved, knowing I was in the best hands.”
An induced coma would give Skye a greater chance of stability and safety during her life-saving flight and minimise the risk of further damage. However, it’s a procedure that can only be performed by the most highly-skilled medical professionals.
Thankfully, when generous people donate, it provides our patients with some of the most highly-trained Critical Care Flight Paramedics in the country.
The expert care and specialised equipment they provided probably saved Skye’s life. That, and the short 12-minute flight to hospital.
“I feel extremely lucky to have been given this second shot at life. Thank you isn’t enough to represent how grateful I am.”
Thank you to everyone who supports us to help save lives in your community. We simply couldn’t do what we do, without you.