Do you have a story to share?
Share your Story

Patients and donors are at the heart of everything we do.  Your stories are a powerful testament to human strength, courage, vulnerability, and hope.

Your stories inspire others and bring awareness to the lifesaving work undertaken by the highly skilled personnel onboard the Grassroots Trust Rescue Helicopter, who are saving lives every day.

If you have experienced our service or held a fundraising event or activity for your rescue helicopter, you have a story to tell, and we’d love for you to share it. Click here to share your story.

Pat had the Life-Saving Flight he Needed, thanks to you
For 30 years, Pat has been walking the 1. 6km between his house and the bush daily, to check the water supply intake on his property.
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Thank you for coming to Pam’s rescue!
A simple and enjoyable horse ride on a local beach with friends couldn’t possibly go wrong…could it?
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Thank you for helping baby Harry receive the care he urgently needed
An emergency trip to hospital in April was not the first for then six-week-old baby Harry, who at just nine days old was previously admitted to hospital for similar distressing unexplained symptoms.
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An induced coma is no way to spend your 13th birthday, but that’s exactly what happened for Koben Hanks in April of 2019.
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Stephen’s broken hip stranded him. You came to his rescue.
While Stephen and his wife were biking the Ohakune Old Coach Road Bike Train Stephen suddenly hit a patch of mud and tumbled from his bike, breaking his left hip.
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Baby Charlotte could have died without you
Charlotte Rogers had a very early start to life, arriving at 30 weeks, weighing 2lb 4oz.
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Together we can make a difference...
Screenshot 2023 11 27 161131 min v4
Your support fuels our flights
philips search rescue   summer appeal Original Moment 2
Help Us Continue Making Memorable Moments
philips search rescue   tracey Original Moment
Tracey's Story
everyday people video still
Everyday People, Extraordinary Outcomes
60 seconds palmyN leigh
60 Seconds with Your Palmerston North Rescue Helicopter Crew - Leigh
60 secs with Palmy N Rene video
60 Seconds With Your Palmerston North Rescue Helicopter Crew - Rene
Impactful Image v2
Ciara's Story
Wherever play accidents video
Wherever you play, accidents can happen